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Form Instructions

New Courses

Presentation: How to submit a New or Revised Course Proposal in the Curriculum Forms System

  1. If the new course is listed as an elective in or is required in a major, minor or sequence or otherwise affects a program in a substantive way a “Revise Program” proposal must also be completed (when course numbers, hours or prerequisites-not already required in the program-are changed). The program proposal which the course is to be associated with must be started first.
  2. Select the correct course level (See Definitions of Course Levels). For new course number, contact You will need to provide a course title at this time.
  3. Select the correct course format (See Definitions of Course Formats).
  4. Complete the electronic proposal form (New Course) available at the Curriculum Forms website.
  5. If required by your Department or College Curriculum Committee, complete a Course Proposal/Syllabus Outline. (See University Policy 3.3.12 that governs syllabi and a sample course syllabus). Use the tool provided in the online proposal to upload and attach the syllabus.
  6. Complete a Materials Fee Form (if applicable) for Provost's Office approval. The materials fee form is not part of the curricular process.
  7. Once you have completed the electronic proposal(s), enter “Submit” and the proposal will be electronically routed to obtain the approval signatures from the Chair of the Department/School Curriculum Committee, Department Chair or School Director, College Curriculum Committee chair, and College Dean. Signatures will be done electronically.
  8. If a course or program requires approval from Council for Teacher Education or Council for General Education or the AMALI or IDEAS panels, after the College Curriculum Committee and College Dean have approved the proposal, it will be electronically routed as appropriate to: Council on General Education (all proposals for General Education courses and IDS courses) and/or Council for Teacher Education (all proposals impacting Teacher Education curriculum) and/or the AMALI and/or IDEAS panels.
  9. Once approved by the College Dean, and if required the CGE and/or CTE, the proposal is routed to the Curriculum Coordinator for circulation and consideration by the UCC Executive Secretary or Director of Graduate Studies (graduate level courses). Note: DCC (Department/School Curriculum Committee); CCC (College Curriculum Committee).
  10. Once new courses are approved and built in the student information system, they may be offered. Refer to the Registrar's website for course schedule due dates by term. Questions related to course scheduling should be directed to 

Revised Courses

Presentation: How to Submit a New or Revised Course Proposal in the Curriculum Proposal System 

  1. If the course is listed as an elective in or is required in a major and the changes will impact the program (course number changes, hours or prerequisites-not already required in the program-are changed) or otherwise affects a program in a substantive way, a “Revise Program” proposal must also be completed. The program proposal which the course is to be associated with must be started first.
  2. If revision of the course will include a change of number, select the correct course level (See Definitions of Course Levels) and contact to obtain a course number.
  3. Complete the electronic proposal form “Revise Course” available at the Curriculum Forms website.
  4. The online proposal form requires the current course information. Visit the Course Finder website for the current course title, description and list of prerequisites.
  5. If required by your Department or College Curriculum Committee, complete a syllabus that follows the Course Proposal/Syllabus Outline. (See Sample Course Proposal/Syllabus) and use the tool provided in the electronic proposal to upload and attach the syllabus.
  6. Complete a Materials Fee Form (if applicable) to request a new fee or make changes. The fee form is not part of the curricular process.
  7. Once you have completed the electronic proposal(s), enter “Submit” and the proposal will be electronically routed to obtain the approval signatures from the Chair of the Department/School Curriculum Committee, Department Chair or School Director, College Curriculum Committee chair, and College Dean. Signatures will be done electronically.
  8. If a course or program requires approval from CTE or CGE or the AMALI or IDEAS panels, after the College Curriculum Committee and College Dean have approved the proposal, it will be electronically routed as appropriate to: Council on General Education (all proposals for General Education courses and IDS courses) and/or Council for Teacher Education (all proposals impacting Teacher Education curriculum) and/or the AMALI and/or IDEAS panels.
  9. Once approved by the College Dean, and if required the CGE and/or CTE and/or the AMALI and/or the IDEAS panel, the proposal is routed to the Curriculum Coordinator, for circulation and consideration by the UCC Executive Secretary or Director of Graduate Studies (graduate level courses).
  10. Course revisions may be effective for a future term/semester as long as course offerings have not been scheduled for the term. Refer to the Registrar's website for course schedule due dates. On the Course Revision proposal form, in the section "Provide a description of the change(s)", include the term/semester that you would like the changes to be effective. Questions related to course scheduling should be directed to 

Temporary Courses

  1. Temporary courses may only be active for one year. 
  2. Contact for a course number.
  3. Complete the electronic proposal form Temporary Course (89), Workshop (93), or Institute (97) Course on the Curriculum Forms website.
  4. Submit syllabus with the proposal (upload as supporting document) (See Sample Course Proposal/Syllabus).
  5. Once you have completed the electronic proposal, enter “Submit” and the proposal will be electronically routed to obtain the approval signatures from the unit's chair/director and then to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Executive Secretary or the Director of Graduate Studies. Temporary Course proposals are not circulated to the campus community. Signatures will be done electronically.

Course Deletion/Inactivation

  1. Complete the electronic proposal form “Delete Course” available on the Curriculum Forms website.
    NOTE: If the deleted course impacts a program an Editorial Request or Program Revision Proposal must be submitted to remove the course from the program.
  2. Authors/initiators of course associated with program(s) must be listed as author or coauthor of the associated program proposal(s) when applicable. The online program proposal which the course is associated with must be started first.
  3. Once you have completed the electronic proposal(s), enter “Submit” and the proposal will be electronically routed to obtain the approval signatures from the Chair of the Department/School Curriculum Committee, Department Chair or School Director, College Curriculum Committee chair, and College Dean. Signatures will be done electronically.
  4. After the College Curriculum Committee and College Dean have approved the proposal, it will be electronically routed to the Curriculum Coordinator for circulation and consideration by the UCC Executive Secretary or Director of Graduate Studies (graduate level courses)..
  5. Courses that have not been offered with enrollment for a period of four years are reviewed for deletion. A memo is sent to department chairs and school directors every fall indicating courses subject to the four and out proess. In exceptional cases, a one-year delay of this action may be granted once.
  6. Reinstatement of a deleted course should follow the procedure for new course proposals.

New, Deleted, and Revised Program Instructions (Majors, Minors, Sequences and Certificates)


  1. For new or deleted programs, majors, minors, sequences and certificates, the initiator should discuss preliminary plans with the Office of the Provost prior to proposal development. 
  2. Review the Baccalaureate Degree Programs Policy 2.1.9 
  3. New majors, graduate programs and new certificates (where there is not currently a similar major/graduate program approved), must be approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education. New minors, sequences and certificates (where there is currently a similar major/graduate program approved), receive final approval at the Academic Senate level. Major, minor, sequence and certificate revisions receive final approval with the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC) or Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC).
  4. Review the Operating Procedures on this site for how to calculate total hours required for a major, minor, sequence or certificate.
  5. For changes to majors, sequences, minors or certificates, review information on the Provost's website before starting the proposal. 
  6. For Accelerated Sequence proposals refer to the Operating Procedures section of this website (undergraduate sequences that allows students to complete an undergraduate and graduate degree in the same disciplinary area within a timeframe that may be less than the traditional bachelor's and master's programs
  7. To propose a new or deleted program (graduate, minor, major, sequence, certificate), complete the electronic proposal form “New Program” or “Delete Program,” available on the Curriculum Forms website.
  8. For deleted programs, evidence must be provided on the “Teach-out Plan Form”, available on the Curriculum Forms website, to demonstrate how the department or school will ensure that students will be able to complete the program in a reasonable period of time after the closure date if they choose to do so.
  9. All new programs, including majors, minors, sequences, and certificates, are required to complete a Financial Implication Form (FIF), the form is processed by the Provost's office and is available on the Curriculum website.
  10. All new and deleted programs (graduate, majors, minors, sequences, certificates) are routed by the UCC or GCC to the Academic Senate for their review. 
  11. Revised graduate programs, majors, minors, sequences and certificates receive final approved through the Graduate Curriculum Committee or the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and the Office of the Provost. To propose revisions to a program, complete the online proposal form, “Revise Program,” available on the Curriculum Forms website.
  12. If the program revision includes adding credit hours a Request to Add Hours form must be completed.
  13. A new or revised undergraduate proposal requires a sample plan of study. Refer to current catalog copy for examples for how to format the sample plan and all of the University graduation requirements that need to be accounted for in the plan. Departments/schools are strongly encouraged to have their academic advisor review the sample plans of study before submitting the proposal. 
  14. Once you have completed the electronic proposal(s), the proposal will be electronically routed to obtain the approval signatures from the Department/School Curriculum Committee Chair, Department Chair or School Director, College Curriculum Committee Chair, and College Dean. If the program requires approval from the Council for Teacher Education (CTE) (for teacher education programs) or Council for General Education (CGE) (for interdisciplinary programs), after the College Dean approves the proposal, it will be electronically routed as appropriate to CTE or CGE.
  15. If the program proposal is to be associated with a course proposal (a course added to a program as required or as an elective), the online program proposal must be started before the online course proposal(s) for the system to associate them.
  16. After the College Curriculum Committee and College Dean (and if required CTE or CGE) have approved the program proposal, it will be electronically routed to the Curriculum Coordinator for circulation and consideration by the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee or Graduate Curriculum Committee.

Course Materials Fee Requests (New/Changes/Deletions)

The Provost's Office coordinates the course materials fee processes. Material fee charges approved by the Provost's Office will be noted on the course offering information on the Course Finder website.