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Syllabus Structure

University Policy

University Policy 3.3.12 section 5 governs syllabi:

“Faculty should provide students access to a written syllabus (printed or electronic) in a timely fashion, normally on the first day of class, for each course that they teach. The syllabus should include specific course information, office hours and location (or other means of faculty availability appropriate to the teaching assignment), objectives of the course, tentative assignment and examination schedule, attendance and other course policies. Faculty members should clearly explain to their students methods of evaluation for the final grade. Faculty should reasonably adhere to the course syllabus and should announce and explain to the class all changes to the syllabus as far in advance as possible.”

Standard Format

Use the following template for the master syllabus that is consonant with the Illinois
Articulation Initiative submission format and Illinois State policy:

  • Department/School prefix, course number, course title, semester hours credit
  • Contact hours, including any laboratory or studio hours
  • Office hours and location
  • Prerequisites and other notations such as Materials Fees
  • Catalog description
  • Course overview
  • Specific student outcomes as a result of course participation (including General Education outcomes when appropriate and IDEAS learning outcomes when appropriate)
  • Topical outline and tentative schedule
  • Required and optional texts
  • Required student tasks/assignments, such as papers, projects, or community experiences
  • Student performance evaluation methods, including grading scale
  • Attendance and other course policies

You may refer to this example syllabus