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Membership and Officers


The Graduate Curriculum Committee consists of one elected member from each college, one appointed representative from the Graduate Student Association, and a representative of the Graduate School. The elected members of the Graduate Curriculum Committee shall be elected in accordance with the procedure outlined in Section 5 of Article VI of the bylaws of the Graduate School. Elected members of the Graduate Curriculum Committee shall serve terms of three years. The student representative serves a one year appointment and can be reappointed. All GCC members, including the representative from the Graduate School shall be full, voting members of the Graduate Curriculum Committee.


The GCC will elect one of its members as Chairperson. The Chairperson is responsible for setting the agenda and, in conjunction with the Graduate School representative, handling the correspondence for the Graduate Curriculum Committee. The Chairperson or his/her designee serves on an ad hoc basis on the Council for Teacher Education.

Function of the GCC

  • To review proposals dealing with new and/or existing degree programs, review course proposals where unresolved objections exist or which are part of larger degree or sequence proposals, to hold hearings, and to propose their acceptance or rejection;
  • To coordinate efforts with the various College curriculum committees as a means of addressing and resolving, in a timely manner, any modifications in course or program proposals that may occur as a result of Graduate Curriculum Committee actions;
  • To review periodically the university graduate degree requirements and to make suggestions for their improvement;
  • To keep abreast of certification requirements so that various curricula in the Graduate School may be kept current on such matters;
  • To coordinate its work with the University Curriculum Committee with regard to such matters as courses and programs that affect both the undergraduate and graduate program.

Committee Members

Gavin Weiser

Graduate School Representative
Term Ending: ------

(309) 438-2583

Jennifer Barnes

College of Applied Science and Technology
Term Ending: 2025

(309) 438-2517

Lily Thompson

Winsook Kim College of Fine Arts
Term Ending: 2025

(309) 438-8856

Stella Liao

College of Business
Term Ending: 2026

(309) 438-8764

Eric Peterson

College of Arts and Sciences
Term Ending: 2026

(309) 438-2546

Beth MacDonald

College of Education
Term Ending 2027

(309) 438-5022

Mary Dyck

Mennonite College of Nursing
Term Ending: 2027

(309) 438-2547